Thursday, December 24, 2009

milky way

life is chopping wood
and hauling water
and cleaning last nights whiskey glasses
and finally discovering that the coffee is kept in the freezer
life is chopping wood
and hauling water
and peering out of windows
wondering if I should go out there
They say it takes about four days to really get away from your life. Four days of something completely different, as monty python would say. Four days of open spaces is best. Open skies. A landscape. Something your mind can fall out onto freely without having to navigate. Open spaces that don't need thoughts built up around them to get you through them. No maps, street signs, menus, debit card payments. No factoring tips in restaurants, no taking inventory of what to bring in your shoulder bag and what to leave behind. Just you, your body, and some simple stretch of earth and four days if you can manage it. We are only ever four days away from our truth.

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